Friday, September 21, 2007


Hi Everyone,

Finally another update...! I'm terribly busy so I'm trying to keep up with things and still keeping some practicing going. I've cut down the stuff I'm doing and focusing on a few things. I do a couple of technique things every day and the rest of the time I'm mostly working on Don't Get Around in 12 keys.
I recorded some things yesterday. I played the 2 milt solos in F and also did some soloing in the same key.
I'm now working on playing the 2 solos in 12 keys without stopping. So I'm modulating in 2 ways(cycle and chromatic). I'll upload a recording of this when I'm able to play it through. I'll also record soloing in 12 keys in the same way.
The other thing I'm gonna post soon is a solo version of Bluesette and Tony is going to post the same tune at the same time. That will be fun!

Here are the recordings:

Let me know what you think!



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