Here's a recording of a gig I did last wednesday. I went a little crazy with the reverb, so maybe I'll post another mix in a while.
Let me know what you think.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
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Welcome to my practice blog! My name is Tjaco Oostdijk and I'm a vibes player from Holland. I'm studying currently with Tony Miceli online and we decided it would be a good experiment to keep track of what I'm practicing in detail and put it in this blog. I would love for other vibe players, other musicians or teachers to comment on what I'm doing and if you have suggestions, feel free to comment!
so what's up? i'll listen to the recording. downloading it now. what are you doing with our stuff?
do you still work on stuff when you get busy? do you keep a thread going? no what i mean? i think that's important. it's easy to get a lot of gigs and then stop practicing and stay where you are. sometimes the gigs become the places where you grow, i couldn't argue that, except to say that practicing on your own is important regardless of what else is happening.
i'm totally unreligious but the idea that you have to take time and do things like pray and go to church is totally applicable here.
ok how about another analogy, you cook something and you leave it simmering while your doing something else. hmmm maybe not so good? i'm not religious and i'm not a good cook.
any way the point of all this is that you should keep everything that's important to you 'alive' (another stab at a metaphor) and on going.
a great philly pianist, tom lawton (a true genius, for real) will practice somedays 15 to 30 minutes a day.
so i hope you're keeping everything going.
listening to it all now.... more to come!! i'll leave you in suspense!!
Hey Tony,
Yeah, I am trying to get some practice time in each day even if it's just an hour. What I'm doing now is when I start my practice session I play some kind of technique thing to warm up. So some scales or arpeggio's for about 15 - 30 mins. And the only other thing I'm actually doing now is playing Don't get around in 12 keys.
So most of the time I take 1 key a day and polay the two milt solos in that key and also comp/melody and solo over the changes. I'll try to record some stuff a.s.a.p. ok?
You also talked about recording a solo tune weekly. I would like to get that going also and maybe put a deadline for that? How about I record a solo version of Fly Me To The Moon?
Let me know.
ok but if you're busy let's forget the weekly thing. you pick a tune work up a solo version and send it to me. then i'll send you back stuff.
remember - simple.
maybe we both make one at the same time and then send it on the same day.
Hey Tony,
That's a good idea, that we both do the same tune and then both send it in. What tune should we do first?
hmmm, bluesette? goal is to play a simple arrangement.
Bluesette it is. I'll work up a version a.s.a.p.!
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